While-reading task: Complete the sentences with the following:unspoiled, futuristic buildings, huge reserves, mingle with, landlocked country1 … is country far from oceans.2 … means a…

While-reading task: Complete the sentences with the following:
unspoiled, futuristic buildings, huge reserves, mingle with, landlocked country
1 … is country far from oceans.
2 … means a big volume of minerals.
3. When something is not touched by people and not changed it is …
4. When constructions look modern with unusual design they are called …
5 … is to communicate and interact with the others closely.
Task 2. Open the brackets and use the Past Continuous Tense.
1. When the telephone rang, Mr. Jackson (to play) the piano.
2. Robert (to sweep) the floor, when mother came into the room.
3. When I came to see Mary she (to read) an English book.
4. John (to work) in the garden when the film began.
5. When father returned home Jim (to do) his homework.

Ответ или решение

1. Landlocked country
2. Huge reserves
3. unspoiled
4. futuristic buildings
5. Mingle with
Task 2. 1) was playing
2) was sweeping
3) was reading
4) was working
5) was doing

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