Вставить нужное слово. While David’s friends collect pictures of football players, he prefers (1)……….. collect

pictures of birds. When he (2)………..school, he wants to go to university and study zoology. He enjoys (3)……………at birds and reading about them more than anything else. David decided to take (4)……………birdwatching when he was very young. His dad is a birdwatcher and always (5)……………to take David with him whenever he went on birdwatching trips

Ответ или решение

ответ: While David’s friends collect pictures of football players, he prefers (1) to collect pictures of birds. When he (2) leaves school, he wants to go to university and study zoology. He enjoys (3) looking at birds and reading about them more than anything else. David decided to take (4) up birdwatching when he was very young. His dad is a birdwatcher and always (5) used to take David with him whenever he went on birdwatching trips.

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