Составьте предложения, расположив слова в правильном порядке. 1. To the cinema, you, did, go? 2.

Often, my friends, me, come to see. 3. Doesn’t, early, Jane, get up, at weekends. 4. Him, yesterday, saw, I. 5. Didn’t, he, the lesson, last week, understand. 6. Tomorrow, you, this rule, will, me, explain? 7. Tennis, every weekend, play, Ken, does? 8. To the bank, I, every Friday, go. 9. Will, here, he, when, be, again? 10. Fly, with my parents, to Florida, next year, I.

Ответ или решение

1. Did you go to he cinema?

2. My friends often come to see me.

3. Jane doesn’t get up early at weekends.

4. I saw him yesterday.

5. He didn’t understand the lesson last week.

6. Will you explain me this rule tomorrow?

7. Does Ken play tennis every weekend?

8. I go to the bank every Friday.

9. When will he be here again?

10. I will fly with my parents to Florida next year.

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