Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Future Simple, Future Continuous or Future Perfect. 1 She

___________________________________ (to learn) a poem tomorrow. 2 She ______________________________ (to learn) a poem at seven o'clock tomorrow. 3 She ______________________________(to learn) a poem by seven o'clock tomorrow. 4 When I come home tomorrow, she ____________________________ (to learn) a poem. 5 Where ________________________________ (he / to go) in summer? 6 What language _____________________________ (he / to speak) by the next year? 7 They ___________________________ (to pass) the exam from two till three tomorrow. 8 We __________________________________ (to have) dinner by half past seven. 9 What time ___________________________ (he / to come) this evening? — He __________________ (to come) by seven o'clock. 10 I _________________________(to meet) you at the station at nine o'clock tomorrow. — My train __________________________________ (already / to arrive) by that time.

Ответ или решение

1 She will learn a poem tomorrow. 2 She will be learning a poem at seven o’clock tomorrow. 3 She will have learned a poem by seven o’clock tomorrow. 4 When I come home tomorrow, she will be learning a poem. 5 Where he will go in summer? 6 What language he will have spoken by the next year? 7 They will be passing the exam from two till three tomorrow. 8 We will have had dinner by half past seven. 9 What time he will come this evening? He will have come by seven o’clock. 10 I will be meeting you at the station at nine o’clock tomorrow. My train will have already arrived by that time.

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