Раскройте скобки, употребив одно из времён Simple (Past, Present, Future).1. Every day we (to meet) foreign businessmen.2. Voronin (to go) on a business trip last…

Раскройте скобки, употребив одно из времён Simple (Past, Present, Future).
1. Every day we (to meet) foreign businessmen.
2. Voronin (to go) on a business trip last month.
3. She usually (to translate) letters from English in to Russian at her office.
4. The students (to stay) at the college till 5 o, clock yesterday.
5. Borisov (to go) fishing next Saturday.
6. We (to write) the dictation tomorrow.
7. The (to stop) half an hour ago.

Ответ или решение

1. Every day we meet foreign businessmen. (Present S.)
2. Voronin went on a business trip last month. (Past S.)
3. She usually translates letters from English in to Russian at her office. (Present S.)
4. The students stayed at the college till 5 o, clock yesterday. (Past S.)
5. Borisov will go fishing next Saturday. (Future S)
6. We will write the dictation tomorrow. (Future S.)
7. The stopped half an hour ago. (Past S.)

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