Present Simple:Boys always (run) in the marathon.Marth (not laugh) with jokes.Preset Continuous:Look! The bus (come)Julia (not teach) Spanish this term.The kids (sing) a song.Past Simple:My…

Present Simple:
Boys always (run) in the marathon.
Marth (not laugh) with jokes.
Preset Continuous:
Look! The bus (come)
Julia (not teach) Spanish this term.
The kids (sing) a song.
Past Simple:
My mother (fall) in the mountains and (break) her ankle.
The waiter (bring) delicious dishes for me and myfriends.
David (not buy) a new pair of trainers lastSunday.

Ответ или решение

Present Simple:
Boys always runs in the marathon.
Marth doesn’t laugh with jokes.
Present Continuous:
Look! The bus is coming
Julia isn’t teaching Spanish this term.
The kids are singing a song.
Past Simple:
My mother fell in the mountains and broke her ankle.
The waiter brought delicious dishes for me and myfriends.
David didn’t buy a new pair of trainers last Sunday.

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