Name the parts of the sentence. 1) This teacher teaches English. 2) He writes English

words. 3) The students look at the teacher. 4) The students are in the laboratory now. 5) Your pencils and pens are on the desk. 6) My friend is in Kyiv now. 7) The students listen to their teacher. 8) I study at the University.

Ответ или решение

1) This teacher (subject) teaches (Predicate ) English (addition).

2) He (subject) writes (Predicate) English words (addition).

3) The students (subject) look (Predicate) at the teacher (addition).

4) The students (subject) are (Predicate) in the laboratory now (addition).

5) Your pencils and pens (subject) are (Predicate) on the desk (addition).

6) My friend (subject) is (Predicate) in Kyiv now (addition).

7) The students (subject) listen to (Predicate) their teacher (addition).

8) I (subject) study at (Predicate) the University (addition).

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