Look at each sentence. Would you find it in the Situation Vacant section of newspaper (SV), in an applicant's CV, or in covering letter (CL)…

Look at each sentence. Would you find it in the Situation Vacant section of newspaper (SV), in an applicant’s CV, or in covering letter (CL) ? Tick the right box.
1. ‘The post offers a starting salary of $17,000 plus benefits.’
2. ‘I enclose my resume for your consideration.’
3. ‘1997-2000 University of Maryland, MBA (Marketing and Public Relations).»
4. ‘I am looking for a more stimulating environment and your company offers this.’
5. ‘Trainings will be given but basic word-processing skills would be an advantage.’
6. ‘1994-1997: The Biscuit Company, London — Manager responsible for 22 staff.’
7. ‘The successful applicant will be expected to take up the post in January.’

Ответ или решение

1) SV
2) CL
3) CV
4) CL
5) SV
6) CV
7) SV

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