Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.1. Nowadays people have a lot of (society) problems.2. The (crime) were kept in prison.3. Don't…

Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.
1. Nowadays people have a lot of (society) problems.
2. The (crime) were kept in prison.
3. Don’t (interruption) me while I’m talking.
4. What (rude) ! He never spoke to his parents like this.
5. I don’t approve of (cruel) to animals and kids.
6. Don’t (threat) him. He can beat you.
7. He stood (shame) in the corner and didn’t know what to say.
8. I’m so (forget). A never remember anything.
9. The face of the policeman was (threat).
10. Jane learns three languages at school. (Nature) she speaks good Italian and Spanish.

Ответ или решение

1. Nowadays people have a lot of social problems.
2. The crimes were kept in prison.
3. Don’t interrupt me while I’m talking.
4. What rudennesse He never spoke to his parents like this.
5. I don’t approve of cruelity to animals and kids.
6. Don’t threaten him. He can beat you.
7. He stood shamefully in the corner and didn’t know what to say.
8. I’m so forgetful. A never remember anything.
9. The face of the policeman was threatful.
10. Jane learns three languages at school. Naturelly she speaks good Italian and Spanish.

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