II. Раскройте скобки, используя прилагательное в нужной форме.Пример:0). Your car is (expensive) than mine. — Your car is more expensive than mine. Правильный ответ: 0)…

II. Раскройте скобки, используя прилагательное в нужной форме.
0). Your car is (expensive) than mine. — Your car is more expensive than mine. Правильный ответ: 0) more expensive.
1. My home is (close) to the University than yours.
2. Who is the (clever) student in your group?
3. Night clubs are much (noisy) than cinemas.
4. This car is (comfortable) of all.
5. This film isn’t (funny) than the one I saw last week …
6. The traffic is heavy in this area. This road is (dangerous) of all.
7. In England the weather is (changeable) than in Germany.
8. This device is one of (useful) for the experiment.
9. The (popular) the person is, the (little) spare time he has.
10. The book was (boring) than I expected.

Ответ или решение

1 closer
2 the cleverest
3 noisier
4 the most comfortable
5 funnier
6 the most dangerous
7 more changeable
8 the most useful
9 most popular, the least
10 more boring

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