Есть ли ошибки в этом тексте?I think Christmas is a family holiday. so I would spend it at home, in the circle of people who…

Есть ли ошибки в этом тексте?
I think Christmas is a family holiday. so I would spend it at home, in the circle of people who are near me. on the first day of Christmas, we gave each other presents, watched movies, and at the end of the day we met with our family at dinner and talked about future plans. the next day I gather with friends and walk and enjoy. for me this is the perfect Christmas holiday

Ответ или решение

I think Christmas is a family holiday, So I would spend it at home, around of people who are near me (Лучше написать around my family members). In the first day of Christmas, we gave (will give — если в будущем) each other presents, watched (will watch — если в будущем) movies, and at the end of the day we met (will meet — если в будущем) with our family at dinner and talked (will talk — если в будущем) about future plans. The next day I met up (am going to meet up — Если в будущем) with friends to walk and have fun. For me, this is the perfect Christmas holiday
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