10 предложений на английском языке про африканских слонов

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Elephants are the closest relatives of the now extinct mammoths. Today, there are three species of these unique animals: the Indian elephant, the African savannah and the African forest. Previously, there were 40 species. The African elephant is recognized as the largest mammal that lives on Earth. The largest elephant ever known was a male African elephant, who was killed in Angola in 1974, weighing about 12,240 kilograms. The average body weight of these animals is about 5 tons, and the body length is 6-7 meters. Elephants are considered not only the largest mammals on Earth, but also one of the most communicative animals: alone, an elephant cannot live, it needs to communicate with its relatives. Elephants are amazing animals, which, as scientists have established, are inherent in self-awareness and experiences of different feelings and emotions similar to human feelings. These animals are sad if something is wrong in their herd and rejoice, for example, if an elephant calf is born. Elephants can even smile. Elephants have a great memory. They recognize their relatives and brothers even after a very long separation. They are also vindictive and can be avenged for their grievances even after several decades. However, they also remember their patrons well, and they will never forget their kindness. In the world there are up to half a million African elephants, Asian about 10 times less.
Over the past century and a half, the average length of elephant tusks in both Africa and India has been halved. This is due to the fact that the largest representatives of the population become victims of poachers, and the length of the tusks is a genetically inherited trait.

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