1 Complete the gaps with aan,the or zero article Alex came into (1)______ bathroom to

shut the window while they were still in bed. We have got (2)___headache. You will be (3)______ first man in my life. Give me please (4)_____coffee. (5)______Water is (6)___ necessary thing in the world. Rudolf Rolley,(7)_____ young piano salesman, was (8)____ true adventure. When he was walking along (9)___ street his attention was attracted by (10)____Pedro. (11)_____ Pedro was straight and handsome. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct question tags 1. Ann visited her grandma,________? 2. Alex didn't visit his parents ,______? 3. Nobody was there, _______? 4. I roll the bones very well,____? 5. Jane came late on Thursday,_____?

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